Al Masjid Al Haram Wikipedia

The masjid al haram is the focal point of the main rites the umrah pilgrimage and to a lesser extent in the hajj pilgrimage that occurs in the month of dhu al hijjah in the islamic calendar.
Al masjid al haram wikipedia. Den heliga moskén är världens största moské den är belägen i mecka i saudiarabien moskén omger kaba helgedomen dit muslimer vänder sig vid de dagliga bönerna och som är muslimernas heligaste plats. The great mosque includes. The rites of both pilgrimages include circumambulating the kaaba within the mosque. Intill kaba ligger vattenkällan zamzam.
Masjid al haram atau masjidil haram atau masjidilharam arab. المسجد الحرام al masjid al ḥarām ialah masjid paling suci mengikut kepercayaan umat islam. المسجد الحرام the sacred mosque or the grand mosque is in the ceety o mecca saudi arabie. Babban masallacin makkah da larabci.
The great mosque of mecca commonly known as al masjid al ḥarām is a mosque that surrounds the kaaba in the city of mecca in the hejazi region of saudi arabia. Masjid ini terletak di kota makkah al mukarramah arab saudi. E the grand mosque seizure occurred during november and december 1979 when armed civilians calling for the overthrow of the house of saud took over masjid al haram in mecca saudi arabia. Masjid al haram dibina mengelilingi kaabah iaitu qiblat umat islam apabila mengerjakan solat.
Al masjid al ḥarām a ilimance. It is in the city of mecca. It is considered the holiest place on earth by muslims. Masjid al haram frae wikipedia the free beuk o knawledge al masjid al haram arabic.
Al masjid al ḥarām المسجد الحرام ipa. It is a site of pilgrimage for the hajj which every muslim must do at least once in their lives if able and is also the main phase for the ʿumrah the lesser pilgrimage that can be undertaken any time of the year. The prophetic mosque known in english as the prophet s mosque al haram by the people of madinah and al haram al madani by saudi authorities is a mosque built by the last islamic prophet muhammad in the city of madinah in the al madinah province of saudi arabia. The sacred mosque shine masallacin daya zagaye kaaba dake birnin mecca saudiya wuri ne na ziyara domin aikin hajji wanda kowane musulmi dole ya aikata shi karanci sau daya a rayuwarsa idan yana da ikon zuwa wanda aikin.
ٱل ـم ـس ـج ـد ٱل ـح ـر ام a furucci. ʔælˈmæsʤɪd ælħɑˈrɑːm the sacred mosque is the largest mosque in the world. It is the lairgest an auldest mosque in the warld an surroonds ane o islam s holiest places the kaaba. المسجد الحرام letterlik die heilige moskee ook genoem die groot moskee is die grootste moskee of masiet in die wêreld en omring islam se heiligste plek die kaäba.
Masallaci mai tsarki da turanci.